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How to Find the Right Lender for Me
Ways to Bring Less to Close
Do I need a Brokers?
Why We Get A Good Attorney
Four Things to Consider with Hard Money
Watch Out for Hidden Costs
Is a Lower Interest Rate Always Best?
What to Avoid in a Hard Money Lender

How do I get started? To start off you will want to determine what type of project you are doing and the type of loan you need. If you don't know, click here. Then send us your application and related documents. Once we have those, we will quickly valuate the feasibility of the deal. If it looks like you can make a profit, then we will send you loan terms and you are on your way!
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How much will my down payment be? We work to keep your down payment low, with as little as 10% down, subject to valuation. This means that we require sufficient equity in the property. We will lend up to 75% of the after-repair value. Think of it this way, the lower you can get the price, the lower we can typically go on your down payment!
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What will my closing costs be and how much money do I need? On a typical rehab loan, we charge the following:
3 points origination (some other loan types are less)
$400 Processing Fee, wire fee
$150 Site visit fee
(There are other closing fees that we do not charge but that you will want to prepare for such as attorney's fees, doc prep fees, title insurance, builder's risk insurance.)
On a typical loan of $150,000, you will want at minimum $25,000 to close the loan and start the project.
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What if my credit is bad? The higher your credit score, the better! But you may still be approved if your credit is not great. We look at a variety of factors. If you aren't sure if your credit is good enough, reach out to us to discuss it. You may find that we can help you!
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What is Hard Money explained simply? Our Hard Money loan is basically money that is accessible to you from a group of private investors that lend you money in a quick and hassle-free way. The short-term loan is secured by the property itself. You will pay interest on the money that you borrow.
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How long does it take to approve and close a loan? Under most circumstances, we can complete our underwriting in 48-72 hours at which time we are ready to fund the deal and order title. It typically takes 7 business days for our attorneys to receive the title and ensure that we are clear to close.
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What are your interest rates? Rates vary depending upon your experience and the type of loan. Your rate can be as low as 10%!
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Do you lend to inexperienced rehabbers? Yes! We pride ourselves in being a second set of eyes on your proposed project. When approving a loan, we review your scope of work (budget) and even walk the property to find anything that you might have overlooked.
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What do you have for seasoned rehabbers? We offer special perks for the seasoned rehabber from low interest rates to NO payment on rehab money that is not drawn. These amount to real savings for you.
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I want to wholesale a deal. Can you help me with transactional funding? While we do not offer transactional funding, we do offer a product for people that want to hold the property for a short amount of time, like 1 day to 2 weeks. Contact us and we can explain how it works.
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If you have other questions that you would like answered, just ask us by clicking the link below. We are happy to get you a prompt response!
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